E-Council Candidates Page | President-Elect Candidate Ali Bower

Ali Bower’s resume in PDF form

Ali Bower’s Candidate Statement

Ali Bower, candidate for President-Elect
Ali Bower Candidate President-Elect

Dear Leonard and NHATA Members,

I would like to thank the membership for this nomination, I am humbled and honored you see me deserving of this opportunity. I am writing today to accept the nomination and convey my intent to run for the office of New Hampshire Athletic Trainers’ Association President-Elect. My professional interest in this office stems from a desire to carry on the work that began during my term as NHATA Secretary with Past-President Sandy Snow.

Serving on the Executive Council means providing support and community to the athletic trainers of New Hampshire. It means providing a voice and opportunities to the membership. While serving as NHATA secretary through 2020, I strove to provide clear, consistent and transparent communication to the membership. During my time as an officer, and a member, I have had the opportunity to work and support passionate members of our profession within the state. We worked to rebuild the association, restore the non-profit status, address outdated bylaws, develop committees, provide CEUs and much more. For example, the Social Media Committee and I developed the brand that is the NHATA. Not only does this platform provide information to the membership, it advocates for the profession and has gained a coast to coast following and recognition at the district and national levels.

If elected, I plan to continue work begun with Sandy to build an association that serves the membership. My time as secretary provided me with critical historical context about the association that will be pivotal in continuing the work to move it forward. In order to serve the membership, we must first create stability within the association and a solid foundation. Part of doing that will rely heavily on the clear, consistent and transparent communication I strove for as secretary. Once we do that, we will be able to serve the membership, providing the support and resources we need.  Thank you for the opportunity to, once again, serve the members of the New Hampshire Athletic Trainers’ Association. I am grateful for the opportunity and hope to create an association more athletic trainers will be proud to be part of and serve.

Ali Bower, MAT, N.H.LAT, ATC, FAFS