E-Council Candidates Page | President-Elect Mary Annear
Emily Guay’s Resume in PDF form

I am very thankful for the nomination to serve as secretary on the NHATA Executive Council. As an NHATA Officer it is a requirement to be an advocate for our profession, but also for our members. Acting as a resource of knowledge is part of the role, but more than that, we need to be available as a support person to our members. As an athletic trainer we educate our populations to better understand their body and provide them with tools to succeed in life and sport. As an NHATA Officer, the same should be considered for our members. I believe we should emphasize educating members, including student members, about the NH State Laws and Rules regarding athletic training practice, and find opportunities to provide site specific resources to empower our members to know their bounds and possibilities. The resources and support will enable members to advocate for the true worthiness of their current and future positions. An experience that I believe has given me the tools to succeed as a secretary is my time as Program Chair for the EATA Student Delegation. When I took on that role, the EATA Symposium shifted allowing for greater student involvement, creating a massive change in the expectations of the delegates. Some skills I learned during this experience were time management, prioritizing tasks, stringent organization, speaking up, and allowing students seats at the table. However, the one piece of advice I was given during this time that has left the greatest impact on my mindset to take risks, step into new roles, and grow as a young professional is to “get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” I am going into this candidacy being uncomfortable because it is something new, but I am excited for the chance to learn and help grow our organization.