E-Council Candidates Page | Secretary Candidate Emily Guay
Mary Annear’s Resume in PDF form

Dear NHATA Members,
It is my honor to write to you today in acceptance of the nomination to run for the office of New Hampshire Athletic Trainers’ Association President-Elect.
An opportunity to serve on the Executive Council means so much to me, as I have been a part of athletic training in New Hampshire since my undergraduate education in the early 2000s. I view my active participation in the association on the Government Affairs Committee and in this newly proposed role as a small way to pay forward the dedication and impact many mentors granted me. I strive in my professional life to lead with kindness, transparency and positive influence, and I would be honored to offer those values to the membership of the New Hampshire Athletic Trainers’ Association.
If elected, it is my intention to work with the existing board to understand the critical wins, growth opportunities and potential gaps that exist, and to provide creative solutions in order for the organization to better serve the needs of its members. I plan to utilize my networking skills and strategic planning background to identify any barriers to member participation, and to encourage new or silent members to become more involved to drive the mission and vision of the organization into the future.
Like many organizations and individuals over the last few years, the NHATA executive board has undergone much change recently. As the world resumes some order and returns to levels of normal operations, I feel strongly that establishing a solid leadership foundation will create the stability needed inside the organization to achieve the goals set forth by the board, that are yet to be accomplished. If elected I would be proud to help aid in that stability.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve the membership, to give back to the field that has given so much to me, and to utilize my professional skills for the good of the cause.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Mary E. Annear, MS, ATC, NHLAT
Mary’s Answer to Questions
- What does it mean to serve as an NHATA Officer mean to you?
- Service is my love language. I have always found that I am driven by providing acts of service to others, and I define my value as a professional in what I am able to contribute to others. In this particular case, serving as an officer means many things: remembering that I am always representing the organization professionally, acting in a way that lives up to the mission and vision of the organization, and by being able to listen to and assist any member in need.
- Describe the qualities, attributes and experiences that have prepared you for the NHATA E-Council position of President-Elect?
- I have served in my professional roles and on other boards with kindness, transparency, honesty and perseverance. I think that those qualities are helpful when leading in times of change, through situations that are difficult to endure, and when there seems to be a lot of work to accomplish. I am a planner, and I tend to tackle things with a team and a roadmap so that we stay on course.
- I have come to gain nearly 20 years of professional experience; from direct care, supervisory, and administrative lenses. I approach each situation I am faced with with the benefit of all of those lenses, and often find collaborative and creative solutions to problems.
- What do you plan to accomplish as an NHATA Officer?
- I plan to make sure to honor the hard work that has been accomplished by the existing team, as well as the most recently departed officers, and to learn by interaction and observation what priorities are immediately ahead. I plan to continue to work with my colleagues in the Government Affairs Committee, and expand my interactions with all other active members and officers to create relationships as soon as possible. It is through our relationships that we accomplish the most.
- My long term goal in this role would be to work with focus on ways to identify barriers to member participation, reduce those barriers, and to encourage new or silent members of the organization to become more involved.